Western Digital has released a hotfix to resolve a serious authentication bypass vulnerability in the My Cloud product line which permits attackers to hijack and take full. I only wish that it was more prominently listed as a solution to problems with the My Cloud and Win 10 on the WD website. Numerous changes were made to the operating system in order to comprehensively improve its security and to upgrade the user experience to support our latest technologies. Note that if you want/have to access your server by IP address instead of name, you need to enter the IP address instead of the name.
Please select the product for instructions on how to access the Dashboard. I spent hours trying to fix a different issue: the process would hang every time I tried to simply transfer files from my My Cloud EX2 Ultra to my Win 10 PC. WD®, My Cloud EX2 Ultra is a high-performance, two-bay Network Attached Storage (NAS) device for your home or small office. This sort of thing isn't unusual in the small NAS world: Cisco's efforts were made by QNAP, while other OEMs aim to secure re-badging deals.
Click on Turn Windows features on or off. My cloud ex2 ultra is not accessible 1 by default on most routers.